
As a 100% volunteer-driven effort, our success is proven not only in the gratitude from those receiving a Street Bundle, but in the emotional testimonials shared at build events from those who’ve distributed bundles discussing the impact the bundles have had on those who’ve received them. Our concept is simply compassion – we know that they are someone’s child, parent, sibling, neighbor or friend. We know that their circumstances today do not define their life, their worth or their tomorrow. The necessities found in each Street Bundle are given from our hearts to their hands, unconditionally and without judgment, with the goal of making their today better than their yesterday. We know this has happened, first-hand, as one homeless individual living in their car who received a Street Bundle in early 2018, reached out personally to say thank you for helping them bridge a gap to receiving additional services when they had literally exhausted all other options.

To RSVP to any of the upcoming builds please check out our Facebook Page!